Winter may be winding down, but there may still be a few cold days in the forecast. Not only that but now's a good time to start preparing for next winter, especially when it comes to learning safety tips. You may not know this, but heating your home during the winter can be risky business. Things like carbon monoxide poisoning and house fires can happen quickly, especially when safety precautions aren't followed properly. To help keep you and your family safe during cold weather, here are some tips you should follow.
Always Start the Season with a Heater Inspection
When it comes to enjoying a warm, safe winter, it's crucial that you start the season with a heater inspection. You never know when problems might have arisen while your heater was shut down for the summer. For instance, mice could have chewed through the electrical wires, or dirt could have built up around the pilot light housing. Both of those issues could increase your risk of a house fire. To avoid that risk, always have your heater inspected before you turn it on for the first time each winter.
Never Use Your Oven to Heat Your Home
If your kitchen and living room aren't getting as warm as you'd like them to, it might be tempting to use your oven as a heat source. Unfortunately, that's the worst thing you can do. Using your oven as a heat source is a good way to expose your family to carbon monoxide gases. If you do choose to use your oven as a heat source, be sure to bake a batch of cookies. That way, you're not heating up an empty oven and putting your family at risk.
Always Have Your Fireplace Cleaned
If you use your fireplace on a regular basis, the chimney could be coated with soot and creosote. If you haven't had your fireplace cleaned in a while, the layer of soot and creosote could be quite thick. Unfortunately, that thick layer of soot and creosote can be flammable, which means you could be at risk for a chimney fire. If it's been at least a year since you had your fireplace cleaned, be sure to take care of that before you use it again.
Never Leave Your Space Heater on When You Sleep
If you're in the habit of turning your heater off at night and using a space heater in your bedroom, you could be putting yourself at risk for a house fire. You might not realize this, but space heaters can get quite hot after several hours of use. To protect yourself from fire hazards, always turn your space heater off before you retire for the night.
For more information, contact your local heating repair services.