Installing Forced Air Heating In An Old Home

If you have an old home and you want to introduce central, forced air heating, you have a few steps to take. Older homes usually aren't equipped with duct work or anything else, so you'll be starting from scratch.

What Type of Heating Do You Have?

Older homes usually have baseboard heating, radiant floor heating, or radiators. Regardless, if you don't have ducts, you're going to need to place ducts first. The challenge involved in this is that many old homes don't have spaces for ducts. Usually, you'll have to try to snake ducts through your attic. Your heating installation company will need to find a way to maneuver this duct work without damaging your home.

What's the Style of Your Home?

Is your home just an "old home" or is it a historic home? If your home has a style all its own, you may not want to disrupt it with unsightly grates and registers. Your heating installation company may be able to hide your vents or "camouflage" them to suit your style. If your home is actually a historic home—an older home that has some protections—you may need to make do without forced air heating, as installing it could dramatically lower the value of your property.

What's Your Budget?

Depending on the size of your home, installing forced air heating could cost tens of thousands of dollars. There is also another option, which is the "mini duct" option. Mini ducts are less invasive to the property but it's also a little more expensive. Don't forget that heating companies can often finance your heating solution, so you don't need to pay for it all at once. Ask for quotes and get some bids before making decisions.

Is It Insulated?

When you're updating your forced air heating, you also need to concern yourself with insulation. Is the attic around the new duct work going to be properly insulated? Are the windows, walls, and doors insulated? Many old homes aren't, so installing a new HVAC system could just lead to energy loss. 

With the right old home, a central air or forced air system could greatly improve your property values. After all, most people purchasing a home now expect it to come with an HVAC system. That being said, homes that are actually historic in nature or have historic charm may be better served with alternative methods of heating. Your heating company can give you more information.

To learn more, reach out to companies like Bergmann Heating & Air Conditioning.

About Me

Maintaining Your HVAC Unit

My husband and I live in an older brick ranch home. Since we moved into this house ten years ago, we’ve been slowly renovating it. We installed new hardwood and tile floors. We’ve also replaced cabinet hardware and installed a new backsplash in the kitchen. While we’ve definitely completed some upgrades, we still have a lot of work to do. One of our future purchases will be a new HVAC system. Our unit is twenty years old. However, to keep it running efficiently for the time being, we have it regularly inspected. In order to properly maintain the air conditioning unit at your home, you should consider having an HVAC contractor examine it annually. On this blog, you will discover the things an HVAC contractor looks at during an annual inspection.

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