4 Tips To Help Deal With AC Troubleshooting To Determine What Is Causing Problems With Your Cooling

During the summer heatwaves, problems with your air conditioning can make it miserable inside your home. Therefore, you want to be able to troubleshoot cooling problems to determine maintenance and repairs that need to be done to solve the problems. The following AC troubleshooting tips will help you get to the bottom of cooling problems during summer heatwaves.

1. Problems with A Dirty AC Condenser Causing the System to Blow Hot Air

The air condenser unit outside of your home is one of the most vulnerable components of your AC. When it gets dirty, this can lead to problems with the components freezing and damage to the compressor. Make sure that you clean the unit to prevent these problems, and have it inspected for damage if it freezes and causes your system to blow hot air instead of cooling your home.

2. Dirty Air Filters and Damage to Ducts Causing Poor Air Flow and Wear of Parts

One of the things that needs to be done regularly to reduce wear and ensure that your AC is cooling efficiently is to change the air filter. Check the air filter and change it if it is dirty — this can solve problems with airflow. While you are changing the air filter, you will also want to check the ducts for damage that cause problems with airflow and repair them to solve these problems and to ensure that your home is cooling the way it should.

3. The AC Blower Problems That Cause Your Home to Not Be as Cool as It Should

Sometimes, the AC blower of your system can become worn or have faulty wiring that causes poor airflow and your home to become hot. If you have checked other problems with the filter and your ducts and your home is still not cooling, you will want to have an AC repair service check the blower to ensure that this is not the problem.

4. Problems with The Thermostat and Electrical Wiring Causing the AC to Not Cool Properly

The thermostat may be the problem that is causing your AC to not cool properly. You will want to check the settings, batteries, and wiring of your thermostat to ensure they are turning the system on when your home gets too hot. In addition, there may also be problems with capacitors, the breaker, and electrical components of the AC that can cause your system to not come on or to cool your home improperly.

These are some summer AC troubleshooting tips to help you get to the cooling problems that make your home miserable during summer heatwaves. Contact an AC repair contractor for help solving these issues and keeping your home cool during summer heatwaves.

For more information, contact a company like Lakeside Heating & Air Conditioning

About Me

Maintaining Your HVAC Unit

My husband and I live in an older brick ranch home. Since we moved into this house ten years ago, we’ve been slowly renovating it. We installed new hardwood and tile floors. We’ve also replaced cabinet hardware and installed a new backsplash in the kitchen. While we’ve definitely completed some upgrades, we still have a lot of work to do. One of our future purchases will be a new HVAC system. Our unit is twenty years old. However, to keep it running efficiently for the time being, we have it regularly inspected. In order to properly maintain the air conditioning unit at your home, you should consider having an HVAC contractor examine it annually. On this blog, you will discover the things an HVAC contractor looks at during an annual inspection.

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