The performance that you are getting from your home's heating system can be one of the most important factors for determining the energy used by the home as well as the comfort of those living in it or visiting. While a residential heating system will normally be a part of the house that requires little attention, there are some basic steps that every homeowner should actively take.
Reduce Sources Of Heat Loss
Your home's heating system will not be particularly effective if there are numerous drafts in the building. These drafts can allow the heat coming from the system to leak out of the ducting or other parts of the system. Sealing the ducting and increasing the insulation can help to prevent these performance drains. In addition to stopping leaks from the heating system, you will also want to stop drafts from coming into the home as these can be a major source of cold air when the temperature outside drops.
Turn Off The System When It Is Not Being Used
Running the heating system when you are not there is an extremely wasteful habit that many people will have. While it can be useful to have the heat run some while you are away so that the home does not get too cold, you can achieve this by simply setting the heating temperature much lower so that the system will need to run less frequently. It can be difficult to develop the habit of turning off the system when you are not there, but there are some upgrades that will make this easier. Programmable thermostats and home automation systems can both allow you to set the times for the heating system to be active so that you can avoid running it when you are at work or other times when you will reliably not be home.
Keep An Emergency Heater Available
During a harsh winter storm, a heating failure can be an emergency situation as it can leave you and your family exposed to rapidly falling temperatures and a repair service may not be able to get to the home until the conditions improve. To avoid letting this situation become a crisis, you should always keep an emergency heater available that you and your family will be able to use if this were to occur. At the start of winter, the emergency heater should be tested by leaving it on for several hours and monitoring it. Otherwise, you may find that this heating unit is not in working condition when you and your family need it the most.